Occurrence Records - Index Fields

This table provides information on the occurrence record field types and mappings between search terms, JSON output terms (see ALA web services), download headers, readable names, descriptions, Darwin Core (DwC) terms and classes, as well as other miscellaneous attributes. Data is derived from the JSON web service: https://biocache-ws-test.ala.org.au/ws/index/fields. More information can be found on the wiki page.
Showing 71 to 80 of 675 results
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Search term JSON output Download term DwC term DwC class Description Download description Further information Other attributes
cl11033 cl11033 CAPAD 2020 Terrestrial Name I S string
cl110927 cl110927 Density of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Persons (2016) I S string
cl110928 cl110928 Density of Australian Indigenous Languages spoken at home - Persons (2016) I S string
cl110944 cl110944 CAPAD 2016 Terrestrial (Classes) I S string
cl110945 cl110945 CAPAD 2016 Marine (Classes) I S string
cl11102 cl11102 Destination Zones I S string
cl111032 cl111032 CAPAD 2020 Marine (Classes) I S string
cl111033 cl111033 CAPAD 2020 Terrestrial Classes I S string
cl11108 cl11108 Postal Areas in Australia I S string
cl11126 cl11126 Representative Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Body (RATSIB) Areas I S string