Occurrence Records - Index Fields

This table provides information on the occurrence record field types and mappings between search terms, JSON output terms (see ALA web services), download headers, readable names, descriptions, Darwin Core (DwC) terms and classes, as well as other miscellaneous attributes. Data is derived from the JSON web service: https://biocache-ws-test.ala.org.au/ws/index/fields. More information can be found on the wiki page.
Showing 91 to 100 of 675 results
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Search term JSON output Download term DwC term DwC class Description Download description Further information Other attributes
cl11167 cl11167 Indigenous Areas 2021 I S string
cl11168 cl11168 Indigenous Locations 2021 I S string
cl11169 cl11169 Indigenous Regions 2021 I S string
cl11170 cl11170 Local Government Areas 2023 I S string
cl11173 cl11173 Tourism Regions 2021 I S string
cl11174 cl11174 States and Territories 2021 I S string
cl11175 cl11175 State Electoral Divisions 2022 I S string
cl11176 cl11176 Statistical Areas Level 4 I S string
cl11177 cl11177 Statistical Areas Level 3 I S string
cl11178 cl11178 Statistical Areas Level 2 I S string