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Occurrence record:

Preserved specimen of Haemodorum coccineum R.Br. | Scarlet-flowered Bloodroot recorded on 2018-03-23
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Data partner Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
Data resource TERN Surveillance Monitoring Program
Institution code Supplied institution code "TERN"
Occurrence ID
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "Preserved Specimen"
Associated Occurrence Status Representative record
Associated occurrences This record has 1 inferred associated occurrences
For more information see Inferred associated occurrence details
License CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Int)
Field Number ntaarp0005
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Associated records REPRESENTATIVE


Dataset / Survey name TERN Surveillance Monitoring  
Event ID
Parent Event ID
Field Number ntaarp0005
Occurrence date 2018-03-23
Supplied date "2018-03-23T00:00:00"
Sampling protocol Vegetation vouchering - vascular plants  
End day of year 82
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 82


Scientific name Haemodorum coccineum
Supplied scientific name "Haemodorum coccineum R.Br."
Identified to rank species
Common name Scarlet-flowered Bloodroot
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Class Equisetopsida
Order Commelinales
Family Haemodoraceae
Genus Haemodorum
Species Haemodorum coccineum
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship R.Br.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC


Country Australia
State or Territory Northern Territory
Locality Kakadu National Park, 12.3km south east of Jabiru Airport. 17.4km east south east of Jabiru
Latitude -12.7272
Supplied as: "-12.7272"
Longitude 132.985
Supplied as: "132.985"
Datum EPSG:4326
Min elevation N/A
Coordinate precision Unknown
Terrestrial true
Georeference remarks South West
Marine false
Country Code AU
Footprint well known text POLYGON ((132.98496 -12.727229, 132.984967 -12.726331, 132.985884 -12.726318, 132.985881 -12.727236, 132.98496 -12.727229))
Supplied as POLYGON((132.98496 -12.727229,132.984967 -12.726331,132.985884 -12.726318,132.985881 -12.727236,132.98496 -12.727229))
Location ID
Verbatim coordinates POINT(132.98496 -12.727229)

Additional properties

altitude N/A
core id
feature id
feature type plant specimen
feature type id
method Vegetation vouchering - vascular plants
method id
parameter taxon
parameter id
parent feature id
parent id
parent site id N/A
parent site name N/A
point position within plot id
project N/A
result id
result unit N/A
result unit id N/A
sampling id
sampling method description
site type site
site type id
site visit id sv-58933
site visit name 20180323
system id N/A
system type N/A
system type id N/A
top parent site id N/A
top parent site name N/A

User flagged issues 

    Data quality tests

    Test name Result
    Coordinate uncertainty meters invalid Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
    Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 Warning
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    Inferred associated occurrence details

    This record has been identified as the representative occurrence in a group of associated occurrences. This mean other records have been detected that seem to relate to this record and this particular record has the most detailed information on the occurrence. More information about the duplication detection methods and terminology in use is available here:

    Representative Record
    Record UUID 03062227-472f-48d1-913d-d7bb81fb75c1
    Data Resource TERN Surveillance Monitoring Program
    Raw Scientific Name Haemodorum coccineum R.Br.
    Coordinates -12.7272,132.985
    Related records
    Record UUID eb468c98-94f6-4c17-9fd3-a5b5088b6202
    Data Resource TERN Surveillance Monitoring Program
    Raw Scientific Name Haemodorum coccineum
    Coordinates -12.7272,132.985